Dave’s Kirtan Approach
My kirtan fuses musicality, devotion, spiritual learning, and a sense of humor. Chants range from gentle and sweet to totally rocking. Infuse yourself with the powerful healing of group singing of mantras. Let your mind take a backseat to your heart. Above all, please enjoy this spiritual practice and always remember that it is first and foremost a ‘practice’.
After 17 years of being ‘on the road’ leading kirtans or playing in studios or venues locally, we are now only offering kirtans in our Northampton, MA home on a monthly basis. I am no longer on Facebook or other social media for political and other reasons. I do have an email list for monthly notifications concerning our ‘living room’ kirtans in our home. I am so happy to share this practice with you! Please sign up at: daverussell413@gmail.com
The seeds of my spiritual journey go back to the music of George Harrison whose use of Indian instruments and Eastern-influenced lyrics (e.g. ‘Within You and Without You’ in 1967) bowled me over. While in high school, I closely followed Harrison’s involvement with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and chose to be initiated into Transcendental Meditation (TM) and receive my first mantra.
From there, I sought out the teachings and presence of Swami Satchidananda in 1971. He was so full of love and wisdom (and humor). I had first seen him when he opened the 1969 Woodstock Music festival leading 400,000 of us chanting ‘Om Shanti Om’. I soon lived in his Integral Yoga Institute ashram where I studied Eastern scriptures, trained to teach Hatha Yoga and, by the seat of my pants, led Friday night kirtans. Satchidananda impacted me hugely through his teachings and presence. I experienced so much unconditional love radiating from him. (continue reading)