Dave Russell Kirtan

Dave’s Kirtan Approach

My kirtan fuses musicality, devotion, spiritual learning, and a sense of humor. Chants range from gentle and sweet to totally rocking. Infuse yourself with the powerful healing of group singing of mantras. Let your mind take a backseat to your heart. Above all, please enjoy this spiritual practice and always remember that it is first and foremost a ‘practice’.


After 17 years of being ‘on the road’ leading kirtans or playing in studios or venues locally, we are now only offering kirtans in our Northampton, MA home on a monthly basis. I am no longer on Facebook or other social media for political and other reasons. I do have an email list for monthly notifications concerning our ‘living room’ kirtans in our home. I am so happy to share this practice with you! Please sign up at: daverussell413@gmail.com


The seeds of my spiritual journey go back to the music of George Harrison whose use of Indian instruments and Eastern-influenced lyrics (e.g. ‘Within You and Without You’ in 1967) bowled me over. While in high school, I closely followed Harrison’s involvement with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and chose to be initiated into Transcendental Meditation (TM) and receive my first mantra.

From there, I sought out the teachings and presence of Swami Satchidananda in 1971. He was so full of love and wisdom (and humor). I had first seen him when he opened the 1969 Woodstock Music festival leading 400,000 of us chanting ‘Om Shanti Om’. I soon lived in his Integral Yoga Institute ashram where I studied Eastern scriptures, trained to teach Hatha Yoga and, by the seat of my pants, led Friday night kirtans. Satchidananda impacted me hugely through his teachings and presence. I experienced so much unconditional love radiating from him. (continue reading)

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“Dave Russell offers wonderful insights about how kirtan chants can affect you on energetic, spiritual and emotional levels. His chants have beautiful melodies that are both enjoyable to sing and very helpful in opening your heart and feeling peace and joy.” – John Bauman